Best Throwback Halloween Costume Ideas For Mom and Baby

HALLOWEEN 2018! Who's ready? It might be an understatement but I am, for sure. 

Ok, I'm going to be upfront here and say I was a little nervous when Savers asked me back to create another round of costumes for Halloween this year. I honestly didn't think I was going to be able to top last year's looks. I LOVED that post. But, after stopping into the store with a couple ideas in mind and some that came to me while there, I knew this year I had to enlist help from someone extra special...


For this year's Savers Halloween post, we're doing mommy and me costume ideas with a nod to some of my favorite movies from the 80's, 90's and early 2000's...

Before we get nostalgic with this year's costumes I have to talk about my Savers shopping experience, because without it I wouldn't have these costumes or ideas. It is such a boon when it comes to shopping for Halloween- not only because they have all the treasures on the rack- but also competitively priced exclusive halloween costumes (for my other boys who refuse to let mom play costume designer). If you haven't shopped for your costume yet: go to Savers or Value Village ASAP.  Whether you're going in without an idea in the world of what you want to be, or if you've already nailed down your costume - you're going to leave happy. Another perk: They also have ridiculously knowledgeable consultants on hand if you need a little help brainstorming and or finding pieces to complete your costume. These ladies and gentlemen take halloween just as seriously as I do and I loved bouncing ideas off them. If your store has a halloween consultant on duty- talk to them!  

For me personally, I had already had two of the costumes in mind when searching the racks but the final costume came to me when I found the ringer tee hanging on rack right next to the maroon t-shirt I pulled for another costume. It had to be fate because it could not have been a more perfect pick and dare I say my favorite costume of the bunch...

Enough mystery! Let's dig into this year's costumes! 
Andie and Duckie 
Pretty In Pink (1986)
Ugh, I love this movie and not just because it was released the year I was born. Admittedly, I didn't see it until I was in high school, but I still hold a candle for Duckie and in my head, they totally got together in the end instead of with BLANE (it's a major appliance!). It was the perfect costume to go full 80's with...
What You Need: 
Andie: Vest // Button Up Maxi Skirt // Flat Boots // Round Hat // Scarves // Brooches // Blazer (with Scrunched up Sleeves) 
Duckie: Printed Shirt // Vest // Bollo // Round Hat // Jeans // Blazer (optional).
Dr. Sarah Harding (Julianne Moore) and The Baby T-Rex 
Jurassic Park The Lost World (1997)
I LOVE this movie, we recently just re-watched it and I knew that Julianne Moore's character, Sarah Harding was getting added to my list. At first, I was gung-ho for Indy being Jeff Goldblum's character because he's AWESOME but after seeing her carrying that little T-rex baby into that trailer I knew we had to go that route...Cutest t-rex everrrr.
What You Need: 
Dr. Sarah Harding:  Maroon T-shirt // Brown Pants // Utility or Military Jacket // Backpack // Boots // Camera (optional) // Scarf*

*I cut an old grey t-shirt and created a small scarf by stretching and wrapping the fabric. 
Baby Dinosaur: You can go the easy route and grab a dinosaur costume or buy a dinosaur onesie pajama and add some extra stripes or texture. 
And last but certainly not least, 
Napoleon Dynamite and Kip 
Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
After I spotted that Vote For Pedro ringer tee on the rack I knew it was meant to be. HAD to do it. Obviously Indiana is way more into his character than I thought he would be and has been spending the day staring at his new mustache and mugging at himself as I would believe Kip does while chatting with hot babes on the internet all day...
What You Need: 
Napoleon Dynamite: Vote For Pedro Ringer Tee // Dark Denim Jeans // Black Boots // Aviator Glasses // Curly Wig (if you don't have this wild red mane).
Kip: Blue Polo Shirt // Khaki Shorts // Tube Socks // White Sneakers // Mustache // Aviator Glasses // La Fawnduh Sign 
Of course it's not a Savers Halloween Post without a video accompaniment...
< < Press Play > >
For more Halloween inspiration check out their website!

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