Yes, Yellow is the color that belongs in your closet as a staple this season, and next

Yea, I'm still wearing boots. I thought by this point in the season I would be in sandals and bare legs but we're only experiencing that once a week or so... I'm fine with it because that means more wear for my yellow sweater, because I'm obsessed with it's bold marigold pairs well with everything hue. You saw this look earlier in the season with my Sorel wedge lace-ups but I'm just as into this look with oxblood hued boots. Since we already know I'm totally into wearing my sweaters over dresses to make additional styles I wanted to talk a little more about YELLOW and why you need it in your closet. I get it, yellow isn't for everyone but hear me out - a pop of sunshine never hurt anyone. Try a sweater, accessory or ever a new pajama set...

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